PO Box 1162, Mariposa, CA 95338 209-966-6299

Welcome to the Mariposa Local Child Care Planning Council

What's new?

​The following appeared in the April 20, 2023 edition of the Mariposa Gazette. By Amber Chambers, MLCCPC Coordinator.

Childcare has evolved over time. In history, it was natural for the family elders to take on the responsibility of the childcare for the family. Childcare was considered a family organization and non-family members were not considered responsible for the care of the family’s children. The Industrial Revolution in the 1800s triggered changes. It brought a greater need for labor and more women taking on part time jobs. By the 1900s women working outside the home had increased by nearly 20%. With this change more families needed childcare but their relatives were unable to provide the care due to being in the workforce themselves. Informal (non-relative based) childcare began to emerge in communities.

Today, childcare is needed more than ever. Less than one-third of the children in America have a full time stay at home parent. With both parents working and both expected to meet the ever increasing demands of the workplace, childcare Providers are working longer hours to support family’s needs. Parents are working longer too, in both hours and years, with retirement extending into their 70s. Grandparents are rarely the right choice to care for the children, as they are most likely still working themselves. Like childcare, the role and importance of the childcare Provider has evolved as well.

Every year, Provider Appreciation Day is celebrated the Friday before Mother’s Day. This year that date is May 12, 2023. Provider Appreciation Day aims to recognize the importance of appreciating the Providers that work so hard taking care of the children of this community. This day is dedicated to recognizing the meaningful role that child care Providers have in our community. The many hats that Providers wear daily are not easy. Each day they commit themselves to developing the cognitive, socio-emotional and physical well-being of our children- our future. People should be conscious of their daily services, from nurturing to caring; they act as building blocks from childhood.

On National Provider Appreciation Day, the demand for childcare is increasing day by day as people are busier and have less time to spend with their families. Therefore we must take the time out of our day to show our love and appreciation for those who work in childcare. This year take the time to tell your childcare Provider,” Thank you “or “I appreciate you”. Maybe surprise them with a small bouquet, a shout out on social media, or work together with your child to make them a homemade card or sweet note. Keep in mind, it doesn’t have to cost a lot to mean a lot, people just appreciate being appreciated!

The Mariposa Local Child Care Planning Council celebrates this day every year to show thanks to those who support the social-emotional development and physical needs of children by giving high quality care. The Mariposa Board of Supervisors will do a Proclamation in recognition of Provider Appreciation Day and Providers here in our community will receive a gift of appreciation from the Local Child Care Planning Council.