PO Box 1162, Mariposa, CA 95338 209-966-6299


On behalf of Mariposa children, the Child Care Planning Council is dedicated to promoting and supporting a community-wide effort that results in a child care system that meets the needs of all our children.

Guiding Principles

The actions of the Council are guided by a strong commitment to the following principles and values:

  • The Local Child Care Planning Council will promote and enhance public awareness of child care issues.
  • The Local Child Care Planning Council will develop a variety of child care choices.
  • The Local Child Care Planning Council will work to improve the quality of child care in Mariposa County.
  • The Local Child Care Planning Council will recognize child care providers in a formal way.
  • The Local Child Care Planning Council will advocate for adequate funding for subsidized child care.
LCCPC logo


In October 1991, the United States Congress established a federal Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG). Through this grant, each state was allocated funds to assist low income families in obtaining child care services. In the same year, Assembly Bill 2141 was authored and passed. Bill 2141 mandated each county in California establish a Local Child Care Planning Council to identify county-wide priorities for CCDBG grant funds based on the child care needs and development services of all children and families living in its respective county. This was a historical turning point for child care. For the first time in California child care history, local communities were given a voice in the appropriation and allocation of child care dollars.

In 1994, the Child Care Planning Council functioned as a voluntary group of individuals coming together in the interest of Mariposa County children. In 1996, the advent of federal and state welfare reform legislation caused the next significant milestone in the Planning Council's history. The new welfare reform legislation had a strong emphasis on moving responsibility to each county to create and to administer welfare programs. This emphasis impacted the role of the Planning Council.

In 1997-1998, the California Department of Education Child Development Division significantly increased the dollar amount given to each county Planning Council. In September 1998, the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors, in conjunction with the Mariposa County Superintendent of Schools, sanctioned the formation of the Mariposa County Child Care Planning Council. The Council's first task was to submit local child care priorities for appropriation and allocation of federal Child Care and Development Block funds.

Since this time, Mariposa County’s Local Child Care Planning Council has functioned as a formal organization to carry out the mandates of Bill 2141 and engage the community in the development of annual child care priorities for Mariposa County.

MLCCPC Strategic Plan

Review the 2021 MLCCPC Strategic Plan here. The Strategic Plan includes our Mission, Vision, Members, Goals, and the Mariposa Childcare Needs Assessment.

Meet MLCCPC's Coordinator - Amber Chambers

Amber Chambers - MLCCPC Coordinator

Hi, my name is Amber Chambers. I am happy to be the Coordinator of the Local Child Care Planning Council. Children and child care services have always been my passion and I will work to help strengthen them in our county.

I look forward to educating the community on the different types of child care available and help develop a variety of choices for parents. My main goal is the council’s mission, “promote and support a community-wide effort that results in a child care system that meets the needs of all our children”.